Wednesday, 27 October 2010

Me and MY Frustrations- Part 5

"Belief! I had tremendous respect for this word. I always believed in the things I did, even when I know they were wrong. Some call it making poor choices; I say that it is just their own perspective. If you believe in what you do, nothing else matters. A simple belief, when commonly practiced by a larger group, which accepts the terms and respects the faith, forms a religion. And we know, every religion has its own God, otherwise known as Perspective or Viewpoint."

Thinking why I wrote this crap?

Since I did not have any articles to write today, I spent my day, finishing Dan Brown's most celebrated, latest book, The Lost Symbol. "Believe" me, I am Lost (mentally). Hence, the above paragraph!

What a beep book man?!?!?! Phew!!! 250 pages of actual story + 150 pages of history (American) + 50 pages for the Mason brotherhood + 50 for Flashbacks of every individual…… If one reads every page, every para, every line and every freaking word in this book, you will wonder how can Dan "UP Urs" Brown write hundreds of pages of unwanted, unrelated, repeated, irritated stuff? But, when I tried writing the lines above, I realized, "Hey! No big deal! All u need to do is BLAH BLAH BLAH… and BLAH…"

And the lines in every chapter (atleast b4 the end of the chapter) in the book go something like this….

"Aravind just finished eating. Over eating, in fact. Unable to comprehend the extra food, his digestive system is in total chaos. He is now making strolls on the roof and that’s when, the chemical reactions in his stomach started acting violently and the unthinkable happened"

He Burped!

Order from Chaos!

Add a Latin or Greek phrase here….

Don’t think that’s gross!! Seriously!! If you read the book, you will understand my PAIN. Actually, share it too… :p for those who survived this 509 pages of "The LOST" saga, and yet found it to be Dan (mo***la) Brown's ultimate thriller, you guys (or gals) have a different PERSPECTIVE.. that’s all… no hard feelings ya!

Disclaimer- the Content of this article is simply to express my frustration. Not directed against any individual. Not even against Danny… :D any resemblance with my state of mind with the reader is no coincidence (The book sucked, big time!). For those outsiders who want to voice against this publishing (screw u! this is a friends only blog, so no trespassing)… and friends, u r free to comment…